Sustainability in production, in equipment and in consumption. Our vehicles and their production show how we view our responsibility as a company in these areas. And how we assume this responsibility. Find out more about what we are doing – and all the things we are planning.


> 1 M

BMW Electromobility.

The BMW Group has already put 1,000,000 electrified vehicles onto the road by 2022.


6.3 M MWh

Less energy used.

The total energy consumption of the BMW Group in 2022 was 6.3 million MWh. That is 2.8% less energy consumed than the year before. Thanks to energy-saving measures, like switching over to LED lighting in 16 plants.


0.32 t

Reduced emissions.

Just 0.32 t CO2 emissions were created in 2022 in the production of a BMW. Compared with the emissions from resource procurement and those that occur during use this is a small share. But it has a positive impact on the overall CO2 footprint of a vehicle.


Fishing nets.

The floor panels in the BMW iX as well as the new BMW X1 and BMW i5 are made from a plastic thread derived from disused fishing nets, floor coverings and scrap from plastics production as its starting materials.

Recycled plastic.

Recycled materials are used in many components of a BMW. The luggage compartment panelling in the BMW i5, for example, comprises up to 60% recycled plastic. In the guides for the bumpers, the substructure of the door panels, the windscreen panel cover and the frame of the front cowling of the BMW iX, this figure is even as high as 100%.

Cactus fibres.

In cooperation with start-up companies, the BMW Group is developing innovative bio-based surfaces. The newly developed Deserttex™, for instance, is made up of pulverised cactus fibres and a bio-based polyurethane matrix. In this way, the avoidance of animal-based products can be combined with a reduction in CO2.



The CO2 footprint of the fully electric BMW iX3, for example, is around 30% more favourable than a BMW X3 sDrive20d taken as reference vehicle when the average electricity available on the European market is used (based on a consumption in line with the statutory WLTP cycle). If the battery is exclusively charged with electricity from renewable energies, the savings in CO2 emissions even rise to 60%.

The BMW Group has the experience of more than 1 million electrified models in the last 10 years. Therefore, when you purchase a new BMW plug-in hybrid and BMW i electric vehicle, you will receive an extended warranty for the high-voltage storage system with a maximum mileage of up to 160,000 km.

A lithium-ion battery comprises the four components of cathode, anode, separator and electrolyte. Key factors in the quality of the battery are the precise quantities and in turn the quality of the constituent parts – but also how the individual components are combined and processed.

Through the use of regenerative raw materials and natural fibres, recycled plastics, vegan alternatives to leather as well as recyclable textiles, the BMW Group is aiming to heighten general awareness of sustainable materials and offer transparent insight into its path towards a sustainable future. From the viewpoint of the BMW Group, only a holistic approach in dealing with established and new materials will be able to sustainably reduce CO2 emissions in the long run. For this reason, the BMW Group is not only accelerating the successful development of a market for secondary materials but is also intensifying the collaboration with innovative start-ups in the field of future-oriented materials.

Under the heading “Design for Recycling”, the BMW Group sees the development and production of every new BMW vehicle as laying the foundations for an environmentally compatible method of recycling. This also includes end-of-life high-voltage batteries in electric vehicles. In addition to a secondary usage as stationary electricity storage for stabilising the public electricity grid, the BMW Group is also working with various partners to develop recycling and the establishment of closed material cycles (circularity) for battery cells.


Explore the full range of electric vehicles from BMW alongside the BMW iX.

  • Gliding almost silently through towns and over longer distances
  • Smooth acceleration from a standing start
  • Pure driving pleasure – free of exhaust fumes and local emissions
Explore electromobility from BMW arrow_forward_ios


A focus on sustainability and customer proximity is what distinguishes the BMW Group. That's why we prefer to produce locally around the world - in compliance with uniform quality and safety standards.

A reverse osmosis plant is used to process wastewater from cathodic dip coating – a kind of primer application for vehicles – and reuses the wastewater in the same process step. In total this reduces annual freshwater consumption by more than six million litres. The green roof of the paint shop with its area of some 10,000 m2 not only improves insulation but also the air quality on site.

Thanks to a combined heat and power plant, the BMW Group Plant Dingolfing produces almost half of its own electricity demand. From its international energy suppliers, the BMW Group currently already obtains electricity from renewable sources for its sites, including green electricity directly from local hydroelectric plants. The plant meets more than 40% of its water requirements through its own wells, thus preserving the region’s drinking water reserves.

The BMW Group Plant Spartanburg uses the methane gas from the neighbouring landfill site to meet up to 25% of its own energy demand by means of a combined heat and power plant. Every year, 400 solar modules produce a further 135 MWh of green electricity.

The Debrecen plant was planned and developed as a BMW iFACTORY from the ground up. With the BMW iFACTORY, the BMW Group aims at responsible production and use of resources. Even today, the BMW Group obtains energy from renewable energy suppliers around the world for its sites and operates based on the concept of circular economy.

In 2021, the BMW Group Plant Chennai collected some 13 million litres of rainwater – and was thus able to meet roughly 90% of its annual water demand. During the same period, the plant’s solar facility supplied more than 60% of energy needs.

The BMW Group Plant Rosslyn obtains its electricity from a biogas plant linked to a large beef cattle farm situated approximately 100 km away. Dung from the roughly 30,000 animals supplies up to 30% of the local power requirement. Furthermore, the paint shop – like its counterpart in Leipzig – uses sustainably produced anti-corrosive coating, which reduces CO2 emissions by 40% compared with coatings from fossil-based sources.


Wind energy.

The four wind turbines on the grounds of the BMW Group plant in Leipzig are each able to achieve a nominal output of 2.5 MW. They cover about one eighth of the electricity required in the plant. An intelligent storage farm in which up to 700 BMW i3 batteries are linked in a network stores surplus energy from the four wind turbines in times of surplus supply and feeds the electricity back into the grid when there is insufficient wind.

Solar energy.

The solar power plant in the BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. Plant Dadong (Shenyang) is able to produce more than 21 MWh of renewable energy in 2022. To this end, its area has been increased by 110,000 m2 – equivalent to roughly 15 football pitches – to a total of 290,000 m2 during the course of the Shenyang site expansion.


Sustainability covers many aspects at BMW: from the inspection of our supply chains through to support for external programmes, we do everything to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible.

BMW Sustainability programmes.

The BMW Group is the first German automobile producer to join “Business Ambition for 1.5 °C”. This includes our commitment to climate neutrality along the value-added chain until 2050. As a consequence, we are automatically a member of the UN “Race to Zero” programme. On the other hand, our long-standing membership of the “United Nations Environmental Programme” is yet another indication of how seriously the BMW Group takes sustainability.

Cobalt for Development.

The BMW Group seeks to bring cobalt mining and processing in line with its sustainability and internationally applicable labour standards. To this end, the BMW Group, together with a number of other partners, established 2018 the cross-industry initiative Cobalt for Development in order to improve the labour and living conditions of workers in small-scale cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Supply chain management and logistics.

A multi-stage process secures our responsibility for the supplier network within all relevant divisions of the BMW group. Among the divisions in which we have introduced specifications for social and environmental standards are energy usage, logistics and the development of components, as well as in the contract-awarding process as a decision-making criterion as well as in supplier development. In order to implement these environmental and social standards, we are co-creators of the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI) founded for this purpose and today we are already relying on electric trucks to supply the plants in some cases and are supporting initiatives aimed at organising the sea transport of vehicles to generate fewer emissions.



Securing the adherence to environmental and social standards in the supplier network is the declared aim of the BMW Group. This particularly includes observing human rights and the sustainable extraction of raw materials. Potential risks arise above all in the production and subsequent processing of 37 raw materials and groups of materials that are relevant for us. Examples include natural rubber, tungsten, lithium and cobalt. We confront these risks with standardised, preventive and reactive measures tailored to each raw material, as well as with measures specific to the BMW Group.

The BMW Group applies a large number of measures to ensure environmental and social standards within the supplier network. BMW expects all suppliers to implement an effective programme of environmental protection management, to adhere to environmental standards and to continuously minimise resource consumption and environmental impacts (energy, water, waste, emissions, etc.). Various actions, such as audits, are employed to monitor compliance.

CO2 emissions occur, for example, due to the combustion of carbonaceous materials such as oil, coal and wood. Consequently, the quantity of CO2 emissions has risen tremendously since industrialisation. The originators of CO2 emissions are producers of electricity and heat as well as industry but also private households. With respect to the automotive industry, CO2 emissions can result from the production, use and disposal of vehicles. This is why the BMW Group is attempting to address all three issues in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

Changing over to an electrified BMW model can reduce the individual CO2 footprint during the use phase compared with a vehicle fitted with a classic combustion engine. Technologies such as eDrive Zones additionally help to realise the full potential of a BMW plug-in hybrid. Furthermore, the My BMW App [digital solutions to support your e-mobility] offers smart services for a driving style that conserves resources.